Wednesday, March 11, 2015

New Short Story Competition!

Books Ireland in association with IMRAM is delighted to announce a short story competition in celebration of the magazine’s 40th anniversary year!

We would be thrilled if you would share the news via your website, social media or newsletter. The promotional flyer in both English and Irish detailing terms and conditions is attached. If you feel the competition is of interest to your writers and guests and have a suitable spot to display the flyer that would also be much appreciated.

We invite all writers, from novice to seasoned, to enter for a chance to win cash prizes and more! Submissions are welcomed from all nationalities in both English and Irish languages and will be adjudicated by Niall Williams and Cathal Póirtéir respectively.
The two categories each have a first prize of €400, a second prize of €200 and a third prize of €100. First prize stories will be published in a future issue of Books Ireland and overall winners will have the opportunity to attend a creative writing workshop. (First prize in the English language category is a place on the Kiltumper Writing Workshop facilitated by Niall Williams.)

First prize winners will also be automatically entered for the short story of the year award.

Concession entry fee of only €8 offered for writing groups, book clubs and Books Ireland subscribers.

Any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you!

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